Content Outlines for Handouts / Lectures
Content Slides for Lectures
8: Judges, Ruth
9: 1, 2 Samuel, 1 Chron. 10: 1, 2 Kings, 2 Chron. 11: Ezra, Neh., Esther, Job 12: Psm., Prov., Eccls., SS 13: Isaiah 14: Jer., Lam., Ezk., Dan. 15: Hosea – Malachi |
15b: 400 Silent Years
16: Matthew 17: Mark 18: Luke 19: John 20: Acts 21: Romans 22: 1, 2 Corinthians |
23: Galatians, Ephesians
24: Philippians, Colossians 25: 1, 2 Thessalonians 26: 1, 2 Tim., Titus, Philemon 27: Hebrews 28: James, 1, 2 Peter 29: 1, 2, 3 John, Jude 30: Revelation |
Introduction Materials
The Bible Library handout shows the canonical order of the Bible, organized both by the timeline and by literary styles. The canon of books is limited to God-inspired writings of the period where He spoke through the writers, originating and fulfilling promises and prophesies.
The Bible Timeline handout illustrates the historical dating of the narrative--Genesis to Revelation. On a different scale to the right, it identifies the New Testament book order by dates written.
Questions as Handouts for all 30 Lessons
available for Partner Church and Teachers Forum Members
Map and Slide Resources for all 30 Lessons
available for Partner Church and Teachers Forum Members
The Intro Maps introduce the Bible world geography from Genesis 1 to Revelation 22. This deck quickly highlights the Old and New Testament regions, and the narrative movements from the Fertile Crescent of Genesis and Abraham's call from Ur--all the way to Canaan, Egypt, Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and "to the ends of the earth."
Forum Members can access in Adobe or PowerPoint. |
The Lesson Slides (Lessons 10 and 20 examples are linked) can serve as a backdrop for a lecture or quick update on the regions of the particular week's study. The talking points next to the detailed maps correspond to the narrative content referenced in the Lesson Outline Handouts. Some cited dates and locations can vary by source, so these reflect broad agreement found among various available sources. Contact TBS for additional map resources.
Forum Members can access in Adobe or PowerPoint. |
Organizing Your Group or Class
The Meeting Schedule template helps you to distribute by email and printed handout the full schedule, and has a revision date if the schedule changes.
The Class Registration form helps you list your group and organize emails for updates and class information.
Student Guide Class Multipacks

Genesis to Revelation Class Discounts
For small groups, classes and churches, this inter-denominational Bible Study Guide learning format is designed for a thorough understanding and knowledge of the narrative story, structure, themes, sections, books, people, and major events of the whole Bible. Foreword by Dr. Luder G. Whitlock. Introduction to principles for learning and growth. Question-answer inductive study format for journaling and group discussion, and 8-page summary chapter in each lesson.
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Limited-Time 50% off SALE when you order a minimum of 20 copies for the price of $179.50 ($8.98 each + Handling and Shipping).
Church Forum Members and Teachers Forum Members always receive 50%-off and additional coupon codes.
For small groups, classes and churches, this inter-denominational Bible Study Guide learning format is designed for a thorough understanding and knowledge of the narrative story, structure, themes, sections, books, people, and major events of the whole Bible. Foreword by Dr. Luder G. Whitlock. Introduction to principles for learning and growth. Question-answer inductive study format for journaling and group discussion, and 8-page summary chapter in each lesson.
Save 33% off retail at $11.95 each with 10-Copy Multipack suitable for church delivery. Buy Direct at $119.50 + Handling and Shipping.
Limited-Time 50% off SALE when you order a minimum of 20 copies for the price of $179.50 ($8.98 each + Handling and Shipping).
Church Forum Members and Teachers Forum Members always receive 50%-off and additional coupon codes.