... to Start a Genesis-to-Revelation Study.
1. It's Smart.
You can help increase Biblical literacy right where you are. Combining Biblical theology with inductive learning framework, this plan doesn't re-invent the wheel. The 30 lessons cover an even blend of historical narrative and canonical content. The weekly Lessons will strengthen your group's Biblical literacy, personal belief and growth together.
2. It's Fun!
You can use the Guide and Series for community outreach--right where you are. Sold on Amazon for individuals, small groups and classes, now hundreds of students have completed the study in zip codes all around the country. The Bible Study Guide is the main tool of the church or group's plan, keeping each person engaged in the Word, and prepared for the next meeting or class discussion. With the Series and Forum tools you can tailor your own small group or class to reach out into your community and invite others in specifically for the 30-week study.
3. It's Fresh!
You can use current, fresh materials. These 600 group-tested discussion questions were developed in church classes with hundreds of students completing courses over 20 years. The book format works well in personal, small group, and class settings. For classes and small groups, the Guide and teaching materials will help provide a learning foundation for future in-depth studies of various Bible books.
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The Guide's prepared questions organize and lead the participant into a regular weekly course of searching Scripture for the lessons' 200 key passages of God's narrative story. The participants bring their written answers into conversational discussions where Bible-based learning flourishes. At least half of the class meeting time should be scheduled for discussion, in smaller discussion groups of 4-7 participants. The smaller the discussion group--the more each participant will engage in discussion and enjoy the learning process.
4. It Unites!
You can use this plan to draw together disparate groups. Pastors and preachers may want to consider giving a 30-week sermon series based loosely or specifically on the 30-Lesson Outlines, creating a church-wide involvement in the whole-Bible journey. The adult class then creates a discussion forum for the weekly sermon and 600 coordinated Lesson discussion questions. This Bible study program is designed to simplify learning what's actually in the Bible. In 30 themed lessons, the core essential theological doctrines that unify Christ-centered, Bible-teaching churches are discussed, while leaving the "non-essentials" and post-Biblical traditions to other discussions and classes.
5. It's Organized!
The Guide, formatted into a typical paperback for a book study, organizes the individuals and group for the journey. This format is comfortable and easy for participants to carry, keep up with the group's schedule, and keep for a personal record of the journey. Online tools speed the process of reading, cross-referencing and group communications.Your class or group members can join the Forum for free access to Lesson outlines, maps, and other Class Resources for all 30 Lessons.
6. It Trains!
You can build up Biblical leadership in your church community. Choose teacher and leader teams to use the 30- and 15-lesson plans and AV/handout resources that conveniently fit into your church program and calendar. These leaders become prepared and equipped to facilitate, teach and sustain the curricula within the annual church programs and broader community. The Genesis-to-Revelation study continuously provides the foundation for--and increased interest in--more in-depth Biblical studies within church programs.
7. It's Eternal!
Where the Old meets the New, Christ is always at the center. You can help connect Christians and seekers wherever they are engage with their Bible, a small-group study, or a convenient Sunday school class focused on learning God's narrative story of the whole Bible. The "big picture" of God's plan unfolds in a way that lasts a lifetime.