These 15- and 30-theme Bible Lesson Guides are designed for personal, small group, and class learning tools and curricula. For classes and small groups, the Guide and teaching materials will provide a learning foundation for later, in-depth studies of various Bible books. The weekly Lessons will strengthen your group's Biblical literacy, personal belief and growth together.
PREPARED DISCUSSION QUESTIONS. In a church class or a smaller Bible study group, The Bible Study Guide helps you extend inductive learning into active discussions of the weekly questions. The Guide's prepared questions organize and lead the participant into a regular course of searching Scripture for the lesson's key parts of God's narrative story. The participants bring their written answers into conversational discussions where Bible-based learning flourishes. At least half of the class meeting time should be scheduled for discussion, in smaller discussion groups of 4-7 participants. The smaller the discussion group--the more engagement each participant will enjoy.
CHURCH CLASS FORMAT. If you teach a larger church class--such as Sundays or evenings, the class might also hear a short Lesson introduction--based on learning objectives, and then divide into three- or foursome groupings within the class for about 25 minutes. Following the discussions, add a 20-to-30-minute teacher-led lecture including time of reflection and prayer. The Guide's Lesson Summaries provide participants an overview of the Lesson's narrative story, as well as contextual facts about that Bible book or group of books. The teacher's prepared lecture can follow the Guide Summary, or complement it at a more theological and/or application level.
THE BIBLE TEACHERS FORUM--for teachers and churches--equips leaders with content and process training and tools for successful classes. TheBibleStudy.org website makes available for experienced teachers related handouts and learning tools for your successful class or small group experience, including Learning Objectives, Lesson Outlines and Supporting Handouts for all 30 Lessons.
PREPARED DISCUSSION QUESTIONS. In a church class or a smaller Bible study group, The Bible Study Guide helps you extend inductive learning into active discussions of the weekly questions. The Guide's prepared questions organize and lead the participant into a regular course of searching Scripture for the lesson's key parts of God's narrative story. The participants bring their written answers into conversational discussions where Bible-based learning flourishes. At least half of the class meeting time should be scheduled for discussion, in smaller discussion groups of 4-7 participants. The smaller the discussion group--the more engagement each participant will enjoy.
CHURCH CLASS FORMAT. If you teach a larger church class--such as Sundays or evenings, the class might also hear a short Lesson introduction--based on learning objectives, and then divide into three- or foursome groupings within the class for about 25 minutes. Following the discussions, add a 20-to-30-minute teacher-led lecture including time of reflection and prayer. The Guide's Lesson Summaries provide participants an overview of the Lesson's narrative story, as well as contextual facts about that Bible book or group of books. The teacher's prepared lecture can follow the Guide Summary, or complement it at a more theological and/or application level.
THE BIBLE TEACHERS FORUM--for teachers and churches--equips leaders with content and process training and tools for successful classes. TheBibleStudy.org website makes available for experienced teachers related handouts and learning tools for your successful class or small group experience, including Learning Objectives, Lesson Outlines and Supporting Handouts for all 30 Lessons.